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Thread: Plastics recycling

Created on: 13/Mar/11 12:35 PM

Replies: 1

Lorna Plant

Lorna Plant's Gravatar

Joined: 02/May/08

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Plastics recycling
13/Mar/11 12:35 PM

Does anyone know of any plastic recycling unit localy

My houshold rubbish for the black bin is now mainly plastic. ie bag / cartons that I am forced to purchase with goods from shops or I have reused and now need discarding. I have old plastics too - things that have been saved from the bin but I cannot now reuse. If I follow the instructions on the council recycling I can only put in bottles no wrappers or crisp bags etc. So other than the bin or the tip ? Any ideas.

Lorna Plant

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Penny Vincent and Tony Jones

Penny Vincent and Tony Jones's Gravatar

Joined: 10/Apr/08

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RE: Plastics recycling
13/Mar/11 8:37 PM

Hi Lorna

Most of the stuff probably can't be recycled anywhere.

Take a look here to check what can be recycled.


and here to read why many plastics are not recycled - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21130258/resources/InformationSheets/Packaging.htm

In 2006 a Government minister suggested that we should leave excess packaging at the shop where we got it from, to put pressure on them to reduce it. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2006/nov/14/supermarkets.ethicalliving
I've never done this, though often thought about it.


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